Capsule Wardrobes — Things to Know

A capsule wardrobe for winter would like you to be more creative with your choices but without allocating much time or budget for this. A capsule wardrobe is not minimalist, but it knows where to draw the line and tries to make fashion and styling sustainable.

Most people are not going to fancy fashion events every night. But we do go to work, market, or school to drop and pick our children every day. Your wardrobe should make dressing for these outings easy and stress-free. Capsule wardrobes will have a mix of clothes, much of which stays in the wardrobe and active use even when winter is past, and we are well into the spring or the summer.

Capsule Wardrobe

Though it may sound like a novelty, the concept of a capsule wardrobe is at least 50 years old. It was originally a reaction to the obsessive behavior of buying and selling new clothes every season, even though most of them would hardly be ever worn.

Capsule wardrobes have none of that, rather, it would host ever-green essential clothing, jewelry, accessories, and footwear that stay in the wardrobe from season to season. Yes, it does see the arrival of new items but only and immediately before a new season, and only as needed. Capsule wardrobe would have you limit all your clothing, jewelry, accessories, and footwear to a fixed amount and discarding what isn’t worn.

These are the items that you have chosen based on what you wear, not what you might wear. You wear these limited items for months, switching and swapping them in different combinations but without increasing the number of items you have fixed for your capsule wardrobe. Once you have settled down with this concept, this becomes your new wardrobe mantra and years and years would pass, but your wardrobe would remain sleek.

The greatest benefit of a capsule wardrobe is that it brings you immense freedom to choose, define, and stick to your fashion and style. It allows you to wear your favorite clothes regardless of the season. It helps you to dress for your work and home without any fuss – there are not many items to choose from.

You have already made the selection and now you are going to stick with it. Of course, there is enough of everything to bring variety, add glamour, ooze fashion, and create a wow-factor. You are happy, and that’s the whole point of a capsule wardrobe. 

Transitional Wardrobe

The transitional wardrobe is the one that does not require drastic overhauling at the end of every season. Rather, it will always have something of the other for every season. So, when the weather takes a turn, it does not catch you unawares.

Your wardrobe was always ready to deal with a situation like this. A transitional wardrobe is only the next step of a capsule wardrobe, which had a limited number of clothes, jewelry, accessories and footwear that would stay. With the change in the season, some new items would be added to the wardrobe but even without those new items, the wardrobe would have the essentials that will hold in good stead no matter what the season or weather is.

While a capsule wardrobe would focus more on the maximum number of items that it should host, the transitional wardrobe would focus on having something worthwhile that allows you to meet the new season with confidence, and in style.

A classic example: winter clothes. These need to be properly cleaned and stored for the following year. A transitional wardrobe would not need such drastic overhauling, because it never accumulated many bulky pieces. Rather, it followed the principles of a capsule wardrobe that limited the maximum number of items it can host.

The transitional nature of a capsule wardrobe enabled it to store clothing that had relevance beyond the current season. It never had those heavy winter clothes. It was using an intelligent mix of essential and seasonal clothes to beat the cold, both in style and essence. So, after the winter is over and in comes the spring, the wardrobe sheds a few pieces, and makes room for some new spring clothes. It’s an easy transition to the next season.

Final Thoughts

A capsule wardrobe is functional and geared to serving the needs of modern working people. It promotes an individual sense of style and fashion. It’s minimalist yet eclectic.

1 thought on “Capsule Wardrobes — Things to Know”

  1. I agree when you said that your wardrobe should make dressing for outings easy and stress-free. I want to get some new wardrobes for my room this week and I am still looking for new designs. Thanks for helping me learn more about capsule wardrobes and I hope that I can get a great wardrobe for my room soon!

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